Gullotta House to Deliver Its 100,000th Meal on October 16th

(L-R) Matt Gullotta, Two Gullotta House Volunteers (Photo: Courtesy of Gullotta House)

Gullotta House lends a hand to thousands, 100,000 to be exact, of Westchester County residents facing food hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic. On Friday,

October 16, 2020, Gullotta House will supply 1,500 meals in Ossining, NY, to those in need dealing with food insecurities. On Friday, this will mark the organization’s 100,000th meal donation. The Westchester Countycommunity is encouraged to join the milestone and pick up a meal in front of Stop and Shop at 246 S Highland Avenue, Ossining, NY starting at 3:45 p.m.; set-up starts at 3:15 p.m. until all meals are given out.

Gullotta House has simultaneously supported local businesses in need by partnering with many local restaurants in which Gullotta House would purchase the meals from donations received from the community. “We are grateful to our donors for making this all possible. Please patronize these restaurants who are stepping up to the plate in this moment of need,” said founder and President of Gullotta House, Matthew Gullotta.

“It has been an honor, with the help of the community, to serve 100,000 meals to those struggling,” said Matthew Gullotta. In response to COVID-19, Gullotta House has been serving and delivering meals since March – a whopping 12,500 meals every month. Gullotta House’s milestone is further motivation to continue its eight-month charitable work to help Westchester County families in need.

Please share this opportunity far and wide, as Gullotta House will give out 1,500 meals, totally complimentary to assist those in need. To learn more about Gullotta House, please visit or visit to learn more about the restaurants that partner with Gullotta House.

For more information about the meal donations, please contact Matthew Gullotta, (914) 525-0744,, and for media inquiries, please contact Chereese Jervis-Hill, (914) 218-3968,


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