Earlier this year, the Irvington Board of Trustees authorized the creation of a Traffic Safety Officer position within the Irvington Police Department. In April 2017, Officer Pat Crisci was selected to fill this role. The purpose of the Traffic Safety Officer is to focus time on enforcement of all types of traffic safety violations: Speeding, failure to stop at stop signs, passing a stopped school bus, failure to stop at crosswalks, and distracted driving, to name a few. The increased enforcement is part of the Village’s ongoing “Slow Down Irvington” and “Walk Safe” initiatives.
In the months since the Traffic Safety Officer was deployed, the results are evident. There has been a 65% increase in the number of moving violations issued in the first eight months of 2017 compared to the same period in 2016 (1,151 vs. 694). Revenue activity is already showing an increase and is expected to see further increases as fines begin to work their way through the Irvington Justice Court ($110,786 vs. $87,599).
Our Traffic Safety Officer utilizes speed data collected from around the Village in order to prioritize the areas of greatest concern. That’s not to say that only a few areas are targeted for enforcement. The data is only one piece of information used to prioritize the deployment time. Specific complaints, observations, and other trends are also used to determine where to focus enforcement efforts. You can also hire traffic lawyers from professional law firms like traffic lawyers Melbourne if you want to contest a ticket. If you need a license reinstatement service, hire a professional with long years of experience handling laws surrounding driver’s licenses.
Larry Schopfer
Village Administrator
Village of Irvington