Dows Lane Elementary School decorated with hearts

Dows Lane Elementary School decorated with hearts

As students walk up to Dows Lane Elementary School, they are greeted by colorful chalk hearts that adorn the building’s walls.

“This ‘heart-attack’ represents our love for Dows Lane and for learning,” Principal Andrea Kantor said. “When we have 100 by the end of the week, it will add to our 100th Day of School celebration on February 14.”

Kantor said the students helped her decorate the school in hearts during their recess outside on February 10. They also placed hearts on bulletin boards, doors, and windows throughout the school. In addition, members of the third grade Student Council created an interactive “Spread the Love” wall display of jumbo hearts in the main lobby, where students could add their own paper heart with a message about something they love or share an act of kindness.

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About the Author: River Journal