Phone Scam With Bogus “762” exchange
Please be on alert that there are people posing as VBM officials calling from a bogus “762 based exchange” and former VBM phone number. They are telling residents that they have a sizable, outstanding balance on their water bill but that the VBM can resolve it with the immediate “use of their credit card”. It should be noted that all correspondence and settlements of past due balances are done only by personal discussion with this office.
All settlements are later confirmed by letter/e-mail prior to payment. Payments by check or money order are made through Village Hall. VBM credit card policy states that credit card payments can only be accepted through the village’s website … and not … over the phone. We have reported this to our Police Department who are actively pursuing all leads. If you or know someone who has been contacted in a similar way call the VBM Police Department at 941-2130 first and then to our Village Hall Offices at 941-4800. Please pass the word on to your neighbors and friends about this disgusting and nasty scam.
Westchester County Volunteer Firemen’s Association (WCVOA)
The 111th Annual WCVFA Convention and Parade is on September 14-16, 2017. Fire Departments county-wide will be attending convention meetings and training seminars, a friendship night, and on September 16th, a full dress parade through VBM. The parade will begin at 1:00 PM from the assembly points on the many streets west of Mulberry then funnel out onto Pleasantville Road south through the Village. A reviewing stand will be mid-block on Pleasantville Road. The parade will end in Law Park with a live band for all to enjoy. The fire apparatus will continue beyond Law Park to the Todd School. Because we anticipate a heavy local and out-of-town attendance, the following will be closed to traffic and/or parking due to the parade.
o Pleasantville Road, from Chappaqua Road to Horsechestnut Roads/9A from 12:30 PM-2:30 PM;
o Parts of Van Lu Van Road will be closed to public parking from 8:00 AM-3:00 PM (to accommodate county and local FD m and WC and local government officials);
o Hickory Road, Willow Drive, Cypress Lane, and Locust Road will have No Parking in effect all day and will be closed to traffic from 12:30 PM-2:30 PM;
o Mulberry Road will have no parking from 7:00 AM-2:30PM and be closed to traffic from 10:00AM-2:30 PM;
o All cars parked along the parade route, specifically in the downtown area, at 1:00 PM will not be able to leave their spaces until the conclusion of the parade;
o The Library will be closed on Saturday and there will be no parking in the Library parking lot from 7:00 AM-7:00 PM;
o Wells Fargo Bank parking lot directly across from the firehouse will be closed from 8:00 AM-3:00 PM;
o The Chase Manhattan Bank front area will be restricted for the official reviewing stand;
o The VH Municipal Parking Lot will be closed from 7:00 AM-7:00 PM (to accommodate county and local FD and WC and local government officials).
The Village is making Public Parking Available at 555 Pleasantville Road and the Law Park Fields. Anyone parking at 555 Pleasantville Road or Law Park Field will be able to take a shuttle bus to the downtown area or the staging area off Willow Drive. For additional information, please contact the committee co-chairs Matthew Gullo and Matthew Goldman at or go to or