Briarcliff Manor Garden Club May Events

Briarcliff Manor Garden ClubBriarcliff Manor Garden Club will host “From Inspiration to Planting” with Donna Lassiter on Wednesday, May 8th and their Plant Sale on Saturday, May 11th.

“From Inspiration to Planting”

Donna Lassiter will speak to us about techniques that will help us visualize & layout new gardens, as well at improve upon existing ones, better understand how to use color, texture, light & scale, as well as the surrounding landscape to create a well-designed garden. Learn about the basic steps in the design process from inspiration to planting. Master Gardener Donna Lassiter is an architect & interior designer who loves gardening. She is an active conservationist with Saw Mill River Audubon & helps to manage their sanctuaries & their Butterfly & Hummingbird Garden at Pruyn Sanctuary. She also works with the Cornell Extension to maintain their garden at Hilltop Hanover Farm. She has several garden areas at home, including a sunny “meadow”, a perennial garden, shady woodland on a rocky hill and areas for herbs, native plants, vegetables & fruits.

Wednesday, May 8th at 11:45-am
48 Macy Road
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510

Briarcliff Manor Garden Club Plant Sale. Just in time for Mother’s Day!

Saturday, May 11th 9:00am—1:00pm
(rain or shine)
Wells Fargo Parking Lot (Pleasantville Rd, Briarcliff)

  • Hanging Baskets
  • Flats of Annuals
  • Perennials and Gardener’s Own
  • Vegetable plants
  • Mother’s Day Flower and Herb Baskets
  • And Yummy Baked Goods!

Briarcliff Manor Garden Club is welcoming new members. For more information:  914-432-8529

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