2014 Rivertown Revelations-Briarcliff Manor

Rivertown Revelations 2014What Your Village is Working On.

Briarcliff Manor

In addition to a resolution setting the date for the upcoming annual Village elections held in March, a public hearing was scheduled on January 9th, at 7:30 pm in the Village Hall, to consider an application from Sleepy Hollow Country Club to amend a Special Use Permit pursuant to Chapter 220-6(J)(6) of the Village Code.


Sleepy Hollow Country Club came before the Board of Trustees to request permission to build a series of solar energy enhancements for existing structures to make them more energy efficient, reconstruction of garage storage space and new construction on their property.

Briarcliff employs a strong permit system where people come in for variances that are outside a normal usage. The special use permit is renewable every five years.  New building applications trigger a review of the Board of Trustees, enabling them to be apprised of ongoing projects within the Village. This is the first step in the application process that is next referred to the Zoning and/or Planning Boards for recommendations.

The Briarcliff Board is currently working on the Village budget and in the meantime, the process is underway to select new candidates for office.  On January 8th, The People’s Caucus of Briarcliff Manor provided the forum for candidates to speak and then become nominated for two Trustee positions. Village residents Mark Pohar, Cesare J. Derose, Jr. and Larisa Wayne-Paulmeno were nominated to be the Caucus’ candidates for two-year terms as Village Trustees. A question and answer session was held at the Middle School Theater on Wednesday, January 15th. Every registered voter is eligible to participate in this process and is automatically a member of the Caucus. There will be a Special Voting Meeting on January 22, 2014 at the Village Youth Center (behind the Municipal Building). Voting hours are from 3 pm to 9 pm or by proxy. The two candidates receiving the highest vote totals will receive the Caucus endorsement and appear on the Village election ballot on the Caucus’ line. Challengers require independent nominating petitions that must be submitted by February 11, 2014. The Village election for these offices will
be held on March 18th this year, from 6-9 pm. This unique nominating process has been in place since the founding days of Briarcliff.

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About the Author: River Journal