Westchester Parks Foundation is teaming up with Regeneron to “adopt” Blue Mountain Reservation in Peekskill. The reservation is located on Welcher Avenue in Peekskill.
The “ADOPT-A-PARK” program is run by Westchester Parks Foundation and provides public and corporate involvement in the maintenance, improvement and support of the nearly 18,000-acre Westchester County Park system. By adopting a park, a group commits to enhance and maintain a designated park within the county park system through clean-up efforts, trail maintenance, tree plantings, weeding, and any other approved projects which would enhance the beauty of the park. The adopter must complete at least 120 hours of service per year in their adopted park.
Regeneron volunteers from its Tarrytown corporate office completed the first service project on July 19, revitalizing the Blue Mountain Sportsman Center by installing a new fence, repairing partition walls, painting and removing all debris from the range. They also completed tasks at Blue Mountain Preserve removing aquatic invasive species, installing grills, mulching as well as completing trail maintenance.
For more information about Westchester Parks Foundation, visit www.thewpf.org or follow them on Facebook.com/WestchesterParksFoundation and Instagram @thewpf.
Westchester Parks Foundation is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit, philanthropic organization which provides private support to preserve the County’s park system and improve the quality of life in our communities. Westchester Parks Foundation’s mission is to engage the public to advocate for and invest in the preservation, conservation, use, and enjoyment of the 18,000 acres of parks, trails, and open spaces within the Westchester County Parks system. For more information, visit thewpf.org.