Blue’s story begins when a family in Toms River, NJ decided to add a female black Lab to their family, joining their male Bernese Mountain Dog. In an unplanned, but fortunate, turn of events, they soon had nine Lab/Berner puppies on their hands. We got connected with this family through relatives, and we fell in love at first sight with the black and white puppy with the blue collar–which is why we still call him Blue. He came to live with us in Sleepy Hollow in June 2021, when he was 8 weeks old.
Now a year old, he’s grown to at least 95 pounds. But he’s still the same playful and loving puppy he was when we got him. His favorite place is the Kingsland dog park in Sleepy Hollow–we try to get there as often as we can. He also loves to splash in the creek at Douglas Park. But nothing beats grabbing a stick in the yard and playing keep away with his human brother and sister.
Blue has brought a lot of joy to our lives with his enthusiastic greetings and his insistence on getting us outside to enjoy nature with him. Now we can’t imagine our family without him.
Blue and his family will receive a special gift basket from the Sleepy Hollow Animal Hospital and Bark & Meow.
(Show the Sleepy Hollow Animal Hospital and Bark & Meow Logos, centered)
Want to see your pet featured in River Journal? Send a photo of your pet – just one photo per pet please – to Include your pet’s name as well as your name, email, phone number and zip code. Winning pets will receive a gift basket and complimentary pet photo shoot from Liflander Photography!
Blue belongs to the best. Loving family, my cousin!’ I can’t wait to meet him.
Love reading this , we are happy to hear Blue is living large.
I took that photo of Blue when he was a 75 pound baby! Such a sweet dog. So happy, all the time! And one of my favorite photos.