Local Vietnam Veterans and Surviving Spouses to be Honored March 27

The Polly Cooper Chapter, National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) and the Adolph Pfister American Legion Post 1038 and Auxiliary will honor Vietnam veterans who served between November 1, 1955 and May 15, 1975, as well as surviving spouses on Sunday March 27, 2022.

A ceremony will be held at the American Legion Post 1038, 27 Legion Drive, Valhalla, NY on Sunday, March 27th at 1:00 pm and again at 2:00 pm.  Vietnam veterans and surviving spouses can register by phone at 914-458-1699 or online at alpost1038ny.org.  Please RSVP with time preference by March 23. There is no charge and family and guests are welcome to attend.

“We look forward to honoring the brave men and women who served our country during those twenty years and thanking their families for their sacrifice,” said Martha Jordan, Polly Cooper, NSDAR Regent.

The Polly Cooper Chapter is a partner in The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration Program which recognizes Vietnam veterans’ and their families’ service, valor, and sacrifice. National Vietnam War Veterans Day is observed annually on March 29.  DAR is a non-profit, non-political women’s service organization founded in 1890 to preserve the memory and spirit of those who contributed to securing American independence. For more information about the chapter or its participation in the Vietnam War Commemorative Partner Program please email info@pollycooperdar.org.

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About the Author: River Journal