After spending a fun and fruitful five years in Tarrytown, it is with mixed feelings that we have closed our office at 4 South Washington Street. In an effort to better serve our clients in northern Westchester, we are moving our operations to two new locations with the help of professional moving companies that offers office moving services. Our main office will now be located in my home studio in Waccabuc (just east of Katonah) and Kitty Burruss, Senior Designer, will maintain an additional office in Briarcliff, just look for Custom Made Lobby Signs within the building to find it. Those of you who have had the pleasure of working with Kitty know that she is a talented designer and a superb project manager.
We are going to miss the lively atmosphere of Main Street in Tarrytown and the special spirit that makes Tarrytown such a unique community. We are so appreciative of the many friends we have made and clients we have worked with over the years, but, let me emphasize that we are still very much in business and welcome new projects in the Tarrytown area. One of the great pleasures of having a workplace on Main Street, and one that I will sorely miss, is being near the many and varied restaurants. What other small town boasts Portuguese, Italian, Mexican, Indian, Greek, Chinese, organic, pizza, specialty hotdogs? And the list goes on! Sadly, there is nothing to compare to that in Waccabuc. (I guess we’ll be eating tuna fish for lunch every day). What Waccabuc does have, however, are some exciting home design projects for us and some other interesting opportunities in the area. For one, we are teaming up with the Ridgefield, Connecticut schools to offer courses in Interior Design and Table Setting. We are also working on launching a Home Decorating Project Manual and expanding our presence on the internet – our new locations will allow us to focus our efforts on propelling these projects forward and, more importantly, to focus on better serving our clients. Happily, our relationship with River Journal is continuing. While I have loved writing my quips and tips on the subject of Interior Design, and I have especially enjoyed working with Robert Bonvento, the publisher of River Journal, with his ever-ebullient presence in Tarrytown, I am passing the mantle on to my very capable and talented assistant, Kitty, who will continue writing the “Around the House” column. Kitty is one of those enviable women possessed of an inborn penchant for elegance while simultaneously being eminently practical. There is no one better suited to be an interior designer, especially in the current economic climate. With her special flair for style and substance, I have no doubt that she will surprise us with some fresh and fascinating topics in the coming months. If you want to get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you. It’s simple: our phone numbers, emails and website remain the same. See below for our new mailing address. [blockquote class=blue]Barbara Sternau Interior Design Box 404, Waccabuc, NY bsternau@optonline.net 914-631-1875 www.barbarasternau.com[/blockquote]