Organic vs Natural vs Non-Organic Skin Care Products: Which is Best For You?

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In the world of skincare, there exists a trichotomy between three distinct approaches to product formulation: natural, organic, and non-organic. While some people don’t mind how their skincare products are made, others pay particular attention to products that are marketed as healthier options.

Both natural and organic skincare are marketed as a healthier alternative to conventional, or non-organic options. Understanding the differences between these types of products and how they are made can help you to make well-informed decisions when it comes to choosing a skincare routine that aligns with your personal values and skin health goals.

What is the difference?

The difference between natural and organic skincare products as opposed to non-organic, ordinary products is easy to distinguish. However, when it comes to knowing the difference between natural and organic products, it is trickier.

Non-organic products contain plenty of chemicals and ingredients you might not recognize, with some being harmful to your skin. Both natural and organic products are considered healthier alternatives, however, organic products might be better in terms of looking after your skin.

While natural products are still a product of nature, and made of ingredients you can easily recognize, they are typically grown using harmful chemicals and hormones. Organic products are not grown with these harsh chemicals and hormones.

Organic skincare products

The healthiest way to look after your skin is with organic products, and with so many online resources such as Misumi Skincare, you can even make your own organic moisturizer at home. Just be sure to research what effects various ingredients have to avoid unwanted results.

Organic skincare products are made from ingredients that come from natural origins such as plants and flowers. This means that organic skincare products or cosmetics have all the qualities of natural products, however, organic products need to follow a stricter set of guidelines when being produced.

Organic products cannot contain or be processed with

  • Parabens
  • Synthetic chemicals
  • Fragrances
  • Fertilizers
  • Chemicals
  • Pesticides

For a product to be considered organic, the ingredients must be grown sustainably. Keep in mind that you will probably pay a bit more for organic products, but it’s worth it in the long run.

Natural skincare products

Natural and organic skincare products are similar and you can only see the differences by researching how the ingredients were cultivated and processed. Natural skincare is still incredible for looking after your skin more healthily, but if you are looking to avoid any kinds of chemicals at all, skincare experts like Inayah Shahid recommend reconsidering natural products.

Natural products, while complete with an ingredient list that can be read and understood, still make use of chemicals in the cultivation process of ingredients including

  • Pesticides
  • Herbicides
  • Non-organic fertilizer

The term ‘natural’ simply implies that the products contain ingredients found in nature. It doesn’t mean that the products are wholly organic.

Non-organic skincare products

If you are looking for a healthier route when it comes to building your skincare routine, then it is best to stay away from non-organic products. Typically the ingredient list on these products will be long and impossible to read with many words you won’t recognize. The chemicals used to make these products can be damaging to your skin in the long run. Some effects you might experience include

  • Skin irritation
  • Organ toxicity
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Cracking of skin
  • Dryness
  • Reddening

Some non-organic skincare products can be useful in certain situations, especially for medical reasons, or even when it comes to treating bad acne. Despite being potentially harmful to your skin, these products might provide some benefits.

Which should you choose?

When it comes to choosing the right type of product for you, there are varying considerations to make including how much you want to spend, what outcome you are looking for, and how organic you want your lifestyle to be.

The optimal choice for healthy and happy skin would be organic skincare. However, this is typically a more expensive option. A more affordable option would be to go with natural products, as this won’t show much difference in terms of results, just in how the product is processed. The cheapest option is non-organic, however, this should be reserved for when you need medical-grade products to treat acne or manage skin conditions.

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About the Author: Brian Novak