Rockwood Hall/Archville Bridge.
February 23 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Free-Registration required
Enjoy an approximately 3 miles/3 hours (total) loop walk, easy-to-moderate, with panoramic views of the Hudson River. We begin at the ruins of Rockwood Hall, built in 1849 and purchased by Wm. Rockefeller, John D. Sr.’s younger brother, in 1886, before John D. began acquiring and building what later
became Kykuit. We cross the Archville bridge, which replaced the earlier stone bridge that carried the Aqueduct over Rt. 9 and served as a carriage trail connecting the two estates. Meet at the Rockwood Hall
parking lot behind Phelps Hospital, 41°06’40.6″N 73°51’42.9″W. Walk may be rescheduled if weather does not cooperate. Required: pre-registration: https://aqueduct.org/event/?id=278