(Pictured left to right) Lt. Budnar, Robin Goode (COC), Officer Toth, Lt. Cole, Chief Barbelet, Officer Schubert, PEO Isaacs, Doris Inzar (COC Executive Director), Denise Edwards (COC)

Today the Village of Tarrytown Police Department completed their 14th annual toy drive. The Department delivered hundreds of toys, stuffed animals and games donated by members of the community, to the Tarrytown Community Opportunity Center and the local Salvation Army.

In 2020, year of COVID-19, this was likely one of the most important toy drives the Village could have participated. We thank the community for their continued generosity in giving to this program, even during these difficult times.

Questions/inquires regarding this program can be directed to Police Chief John Barbelet at jbarbelet@tarrytowngov.com