Math Challenges at Dows Lane Elementary School Build Critical Thinking and Collaboration Skills

Dows Lane Elementary School honed their critical thinking and problem-solving skills by working on one-step multiplication and division word problems during a recent math lesson. Photos courtesy of the Irvington Union Free School District

Third grade students at Dows Lane Elementary School honed their critical thinking and problem-solving skills by working on one-step multiplication and division word problems during a recent math lesson in Adam Schwartz’s class. To deepen their understanding, they created their own word problems to match specific equations, collaborating with peers to brainstorm and refine their ideas.

Using a set of four answer choices displayed on the board, the students had to think creatively and work backward to craft scenarios that applied the correct operation. This process encouraged them to connect mathematical concepts to real-life situations. Then, the students presented their word problems to the class, where their peers had to identify the correct answer.

“By working in pairs, students can learn from each other,” Schwartz said. “They practiced effective communication, listened to one another’s ideas and learned collaboratively. By mastering the ability to choose the correct operation for single-step word problems, students are building a strong foundation to apply this skill to multistep word problems in the future.”

The activity aligned seamlessly with the district’s Portrait of a Graduate, which emphasizes cultivating courageous learners, effective communicators, engaged citizens and self-aware individuals.

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