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How to Start a Podcast for Your Business – And Why You Should Do It

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When it comes to business marketing channels, most people know about social media, print advertising, and PPC ads. However, one of the best ways to find and cultivate new leads is inbound marketing, but also by keeping a good control of your business processes, and you can solvent this with a with a consultancy in payroll administration services. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, inbound marketing refers to content generation to attract new customers. While blogs are the most common form of inbound content, podcasts are another excellent resource.

In 2022, there are over 2 million podcasts on sites like Spotify and Itunes, and these shows focus on a wide range of topics. Best of all, podcasts can not only attract new customers but can also drive sales. On average, advertisements on business-related podcasts generate a 14-percent increase in purchase intent. Plus, about a third (32 percent) of marketers say that podcast ads are effective and valuable.

But, how can you start a podcast for your business? Here are seven steps to go from idea to reality.

How to Start a Business Podcast

With so many podcasts out there, it can feel overwhelming to launch a new channel for your brand. However, with the proper planning and execution, you can see some incredible results from your hard work. Also, remember that you can sync your podcast to your other marketing strategies you can learn form experts like Damon Burton. For example, you can promote your podcast on your website and social profiles, and vice versa. Here’s how to get started.

Step One: Choose Your Niche

As with any marketing technique, it’s best to target specific people within a demographic. For example, let’s say you sell party supplies. Instead of targeting women ages 25 to 45, you should focus on middle-aged women looking to plan parties for their workplace or women who want to plan birthday parties for their children under 10.

Once you have your customer personas fleshed out, you can determine the niche for your podcast. Suppose you’re hoping to capture the attention of women planning birthday parties. In that case, you can talk about hot new toy trends, offer fun and festive decoration ideas, or how to plan daytime activities for children.

Overall, you want to get into the mindset of your target audience and speak to their interests and needs. Also, ask yourself what problems your ideal customer faces and how your products can help. Maybe someone needs last-minute party supplies, or they’re looking to host a large gathering on a tight budget. You want to bring your audience in with related content and then sell your products to solve their specific problem.

Step Two: Write a Podcast Description

Your podcast description needs to appeal to two entities. First, you want your description to offer insight into your podcast content and make it sound appealing enough for someone to listen. Second, you have to use the right keywords and tags so that new listeners can discover your podcast both on search engines and through the host site. Here are some tips on how to write a compelling podcast description:

Step Three: Prepare Your Podcast Artwork and Branding

While your description is valuable, it’s not what will get your channel noticed. Instead, you must have a compelling logo and artwork to appeal to new listeners. Also, even though you’re hosting a branded podcast, it’s best to have a unique logo for it. Not only will a new logo help you with your marketing materials, but it can also make your content more authentic.

If you need some inspiration, you can check out podcast logo examples before you start designing. Also, you need to make sure it fits your niche and podcast description. For example, if you’re talking about birthday parties, a cake or balloon graphic fits well.

In addition to your logo, you should also make a header image and other artwork to make your profile shine. As a rule, cover art should be within 3000 x 3000 pixels and low-resolution (72 PPI). However, you can check with your host to get specific guidelines.

Step Four: Choose a Podcast Hosting Service

While it may be tempting to host your podcast on your website, the reality is that it’s much better to use a podcast hosting service instead. The benefits include:

Some of the top podcast hosting services are:

In addition to these hosting services, it’s a good idea to post to Spotify and Itunes, as they’re the largest podcast distributors. The more places you can promote your content, the easier it is to find and grow your audience.

Step Five: Decide on Your Podcast Format

Your format can affect your podcast in a few different ways. First, some formats appeal to different demographics, so you need to find one that your target audience will appreciate. Second, you may have to invest in additional infrastructure for some format types. For example, will you record audio in the field or just in a studio? How many mics will you need for each episode?

That said, while your primary format may be one thing, you can mix it up with specific episodes as necessary. Also, if your audience responds to one format over another, it’s relatively easy to switch. Some podcast format types include:

Step Six: Record and Edit Your Episodes

Before you promote your podcast channel, you need some content. Otherwise, if new listeners go to your profile, they won’t have any reason to subscribe. When you’re first starting, recording and editing may take some trial and error. However, as you produce more episodes, you’ll be able to streamline the entire process.

Here are some tips on recording and editing your podcast:

Step Seven: Launch

Once you have a few episodes ready to go, you can promote your podcast. Keep in mind that it can take a while to find an audience, so don’t get discouraged. Here are some other factors to keep in mind:

Starting a business podcast is an excellent way to increase your marketing potential. Now that you know the steps involved, you should focus on creating high-quality content for your audience. Happy podcasting!


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