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The Only Thing You Need to Pack for a Good Workout While on Vacation


It’s August and that means one thing… vacation time! Time to hit the beach, book cheap or luxurious hotels, sip a margarita and enjoy time with the in-laws as they hover and coo over our little bumble ‘B’. We’re outta here as of 7:30 am this morning and heading on down to where it’s even hotter (because clearly we didn’t get enough heat during the last heat wave and want some more!) Florida here we come!

So as I’m attempting to pack there are a million things that are being tossed into my suitcase that have me stop, pause and wonder… like for instance, I have diapers in my suitcase. That’s a first. Life is so different. Packing has taken on a whole new look. Not only do I have to make sure I have enough shirts to suit any mood I may be in at any given moment, but I now have to make sure that we have ample amounts of butt paste and baby wipes. My, how life has changed!

Yet, no matter how much things change, so many things remain the same. Like… what I need to pack in order to get in a good workout while on vacation. But who has room for even more items to pack?? Not me! Especially with a baby, a bugaboo and a pack and play. (We’re a seriously long way from the suitcases of old that were chock full of Snapple Pink Lemonade, Absolut, fun shirts and hairspray! Ahhhh, the Jersey Shore days.)

I digress. Let’s get back to diapers and butt paste.

Here’s the good news though. What you need to pack for a great workout doesn’t need to actually be packed. (That’s right.) You can take it onboard, stuff it into your little coach sized seat and be on your way.

What could be so easy to transport yet give you such an effective workout while away on vacation you ask?

Why that would be you my friend. Just you.

Your own bodyweight can give you one hell of a workout and if you don’t believe me, just try it.

5 exercise to do anywhere, anytime. All you need is YOU, and about 6 feet of space…. give or take.

1. Squats

Sumo squats, side squats, 1 legged squats, squat presses, jump squats, squat thrusts… squats do a bum good!

2. Lunges

Forward lunges, reverse lunges, side lunges, diagonal lunges, any direction lunges, split leg jump lunges, walking lunges… you name it lunges.

3. Push ups

Modified push ups, full body push ups, tricep push ups, wall push ups, ball push ups… there’s a push up for any level!

4. Planks

Modified planks, side planks, cross over planks, cross body planks, reverse planks, hip twist planks… walk the plank!

5. Heart pumping card (without a machine)

Jumping jacks, jump rope, side skaters, front kicks, side kicks, cross jabs, upper cuts, back kicks, hip twists… pick what you like and push, push, push yourself to do 2 min of cardio in between each exercise.

Vacation or no vacation… you got no excuse 😉

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