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My Twitterings on Twitter

birdsIn an effort to gain more (any) notoriety for a fitness/yoga class I co-teach (along with Sarah Rubin, a wonderful yoga instructor and who I like to personally think of as my facilitator towards a more mentally stable existence since I’m not as well versed in all things yoga as she is and I have a lot to learn about calming the mind and body), I have begun tweeting. Well we have; we’re co-tweeting if you will. And I have to say, it’s a budding relationship, this Twitter and I. At first I was totally intimidated and knew nothing about how to tweet/retweet/direct message or any other thing on there. I have an account for Little Black Dress but I learned how to side step the world of Tweet by setting up my Facebook account to automatically update my Twitter account, therefore never having to go on it… ever. And somehow I still got followers. Hmm.

Anyway, now that Warrior Rising, (that’s the name of our fitness/yoga class) is taking off, we’re a twitter about tweeting. Everyday you can garner some nugget of wisdom from us (or if not wisdom, then a link to a really cool site that can give you that  nugget) and learn a thing or two. Plus, there are some really cool people out there worth following. Just to name a few, there are the girls who take a lighthearted, humoristic approach to fitness called FitBottomedGirl. Then you have the more serious side of fitness with BornFitness, and then there are the daily feel good thoughts from one JeanetteJenkins, who is a celebrity fitness trainer with tons of great DVDs out there apparently. (I’ve never tried them but I’ve tried Jillian Michaels and her’s were definite body blasters, so I’m sure Jeanette is just as good…  if one can make such an assumption—aren’t all celebrity trainers alike?) Plus so many other worthwhile tweeting contenders talking about fitness, nutrition, and other cool things. If you’re on Twitter, I highly recommend checking out the three I listed as I’m sure those will lead you to other great finds.

So, let me try to get to the point of this twitter tirade I’m on here and share with you some very interesting articles I’ve been lead to through Twitter. Maybe something will resonate with you and finally get you motivated to exercise, if it’s been something you’ve been putting off that is. (And let’s be honest here, we’ve all put it off at one time or another!)

My first twitter find today was an article I read about waging for weight loss. Apparently there are some smart cookies out there who have come up with a litany of sites that you can actually place a wager on your weight loss efforts. Great idea. I mean, if you’re serious about getting fit, why not place a little wager on finally making it happen? Here’s the site for that one that lists 7 sites, all about waging one way or another (although some sites let you try it without placing a wager but come on, if you’re gonna do it, then DO IT! Don’t got through the process of signing up then not place an actual wager and expect you’re going to achieve your goal… you took out the motivating factor right from the get-go!) www.everydayhealth.com. Check them out. My favorite is the one that actually donates to a charity you don’t support if you fail to meet your goals; so let’s say you’re an animal lover and don’t reach your goal, then they would donate to the animals must die charity (I don’t think that actually exists, I’m just using it to illustrate the “wager”. I love animals.)

Then there was this article I read yesterday about how exercise can fuel creativity. Totally makes sense to me (I was a graphic designer in my former life) and the best way to get through a mental creative block was to move. So simple yet so overlooked by the populace. How many times do you walk outside after being in your beige colored cubicle all day long and suddenly feel more alert? I ALWAYS did! Wouldn’t corporate America be actually benefitting their employees, thus increasing happiness and productivity at the workplace, if they only implemented an incentive based exercise program? Anyway, I could go on and on and on… but here’s the article instead, much more interesting than me. www.FastCompany.com.

And my third notable Twitter find for the day goes to this guy… Martin Rooney. I don’t know anything about him except that his site is called TrainingForWarriors (so maybe he and I are somehow interconnected in our pursuit to train warriors who train hard and rise up… just saying) and he’s got this app that I HAVE to download, but at the moment am too stingy to pay the $1.99 fee. (Don’t judge, I’ve never paid for an app before, my phone is a haven for all free apps. My grandfather is best known for his saying “A best friend is a dollar in your pocket.”  Although he’s also been accused of saying “It’s a rotten, stinking life” so…. I’ll get the app. Anyway, it’s a push up app and it has over 120 push ups, and there is a push up of the day, a Warrior challenge and all sorts of things to piss you off when it comes to performing one of the most dreaded exercises ever! Check it out here, www.pushupwarrior.com.

There is my short list of tweeters and their articles (and apps) that I think are worthy of passing along. Enjoy 🙂

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